In a year when 80% of the scripted feature film directors invited to join The Academy are cis men, let's celebrate the Film Fatales members who were invited to join the Documentary Branch including...
In a year when 80% of the scripted feature film directors invited to join The Academy are cis men, let's celebrate the Film Fatales members who were invited to join the Documentary Branch including...
This Independence Day, let's watch a selection of independent films directed by Film Fatales members which explore a variety of perspectives about America...
Join Film Fatales on Friday July 7th 2pm PT for a discussion about Keep Reading...
Film Fatales has announced the filmmakers in the second annual Fatales Forward: Trans Stories Fellowship, an innovative fellowship for emerging trans and nonbinary filmmakers working on their debut or sophomore feature films.
Film Fatales and BFFoundation host an in person panel at the Bentonville Film Festival with documentary filmmakers Keep Reading...