Brenda Davis produced and directed the documentary SISTER, which is distributed by Journeyman Pictures UK. SISTER was released on iTunes and Amazon in June 2014 and is part of ITVS International Women and Girls Lead Global Programming. SISTER premiered at the Montreal World Film Festival in August 2012, followed by Take One Action Film Festival, Reykjavik International Documentary Film Festival, African Diaspora Film Festival in NYC, Cambodia International Film Festival, One World Documentary Film Festival, Doxa Documentary Film Festival, Kyrgyzstan International Documentary Human Rights Film Festival, Bulgaria One World Echoes Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, Stockholm One World Echoes Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, Manya Human Rights International Film Festival, among other and is still playing at film festivals globally, including recently opening the Addis International Film Festival in June 2014. SISTER was a 2011 Independent Filmmakers Project (IFP) Lab Film.