Father's Day
Film Fatales - Jun. 14, 2023

This Father's Day, let us express our gratitude for the parental figures in our lives and also appreciate the cinematic portrayals that have left an indelible mark on our hearts. Through the power of storytelling, films have the ability to celebrate the joys and challenges of parenthood, fostering empathy and understanding. Enjoy this Father's day exploring features directed by Film Fatales members that explore the diverse forms of parental love and support.

Daddy Don't Go directed by Emily Abt

Erasing Family directed by Ginger Gentile

Godass directed by Esther Bell

Homebound directed by Fanny Grande

Other People's Children directed by Liz Hinlein

Wild About Harry directed by Gwen Wynne

Trouble directed by Mariah Garnett

What We Leave Behind directed by Iliana Sosa