Andréa Schmidt is an award-winning journalist and filmmaker. Her work has appeared on “The Weekly,” a documentary series by The New York Times broadcast on Hulu and FX. She directed and produced “El Chapo’s Son: The Siege of Culiacán,” which was awarded a News and Documentary Emmy. As a director and producer for Al Jazeera English's Emmy and Peabody Award-winning documentary show “Fault Lines,” she helped establish the show’s distinctive voice over 25 episodes, including as producer of “Haiti: Six Months On,” an investigation into the failures of the international response to the earthquake which garnered Al Jazeera its first Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award. In addition to covering the United States during both the Obama and Trump administrations, her work has brought her to Iraq, Nigeria, Hong Kong, Yemen, Mexico, Honduras, and Somalia, among other places. Schmidt has also worked as an executive, showrunner, and supervising producer of docuseries, and helped launch AJ+, Al Jazeera’s youth-focused digital channel, as the executive producer of short documentaries. She serves on the executive board of ACOS (A Culture Of Safety) Alliance.