Jennifer Alphonse is an International Award-winning Writer, Director and Producer, her work spans a wide range of subjects, styles and techniques in short films, commercial ads, documentaries, and more!
Being an Independent Filmmaker from Hyderabad, India, Jennifer is drawn to stories that have something familiar, but at the same time are interesting enough to be different.Her first short film "Kachra"won her three state awards, it was no looking back from then.Her short fiction film "Strangers" won more than 17 international awards in various International Film Festivals across the globe. She loves photography, which taught her how to capture the world within a frame, this made her fall in love with documentary filmmaking. It became her way to engage with the world. She won the Royal Reel Award at Canada International Film Festival 2016 for her first feature length Documentary “The Take Over”. From 2014 she has been photographing and documenting various Indigenous Tribes from her state. Her other Documentary film like "Kolam tribe" and "Nagoba Jathara" made a very successful festival round up winning many awards to its credit. She recently launched her first Coffee table book called “Gussadi – Celebration of being God!"
GUSSADI - Celebration of being God! is a Documentary Film, which talks about Dandari festival, celebrated together by the tribes of Gonds, Kolams, Thotis, Pardhans and Andhs from the 4 main districts in the north of Telangana State. This Documentary film attempts to capture the festival celebrations and the sacred dance called the Gussadi – performed by a selected few men/boys from their villages.
Written, Directed and Produced by Jennifer Alphonse.