Robyn Roots
Robyn roots

The name, Robyn Roots, has become a household name in quite a few areas around the states regarding the nursing profession as well as the film industry. Robyn has been a nurse for over 30 years specializing in renal dialysis. Mrs. Roots is a nurse by day and film director during evenings and weekends.
Robyn has been a present voice in the renal Community in training over 5,000 patients, families, dialysis nurses, physicians, church congregations about renal disease and serving on expert panels during her journey as a Kidney health coach. Always serving as an advocate for the patient.
Mrs. Robyn Roots is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and visionary of Klosa’ Productions; she has been in the film profession for the past six years and is an executive producer and co-producer on several film projects including The Turnaround Movie; Aloha; Truthless; Jump Start; The Hunting of Potters field; Poz Roz; The Season; and Courage to Stand. Mrs. Roots has moved expeditiously into the film directors’ role when she decided to share about her own life in the short film she wrote and directed called Did Showing Up Save My Life?
In celebration of Nurse’s Appreciation Week, Robyn Roots wrote and directed a documentary, 2020 Year of the Nurse, during the Covid-19 pandemic. This project focused on people of color in the medical profession sharing their experience during Covid-19 and the impact of racism in the field.

  • Year of the Nurse Trailer