In Rememberence
- Sep. 9, 2021

Our hope is to continue to champion stories that seek to unite rather than divide.

As the anniversary of September 11th approaches, please consider watching some of these films directed by Film Fatales members:


Accept the Call directed by Eunice Lau

A father seeks to understand why his son is accused of terrorism, as they journey to repair their relationship after breaking each other's hearts.


Liberty Kid directed by Ilya Chaiken

After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, two young men lose their jobs at the Statue of Liberty.


The Feeling of Being Watched directed by Assia Boundaoui

Assia Boundaoui sets out to investigate long-brewing rumors that her quiet, predominantly Arab-American neighborhood was being monitored by the FBI. When she's investigating, she exposes a surveillance program on a scale no one could have imagined.


Worth directed by Sara Colangelo

In Washington, D.C., lawyer Kenneth Feinberg battles cynicism, bureaucracy and politics to help the victims of 9/11.


9/12: From Chaos to Community directed by Susana Styron

In the wake of the September 11 attacks, New Yorkers from all walks of life felt compelled to overcome their sense of powerlessness by volunteering to help out in the recovery effort. They brought in supplies, set up relief stations, and for ten months fed and cared for the recovery workers. Many deep and unexpected - even unlikely - relationships developed out of this. Using cinema verite footage, interviews and archival photographs, we follow several characters through a series of events reuniting them with each other after the closing of the site. Through their stories we present a portrait of the city within a city that was Ground Zero, and examine how an extremely diverse group of people transcended politics and culture in an effort to heal their city and themselves
