Join us in celebrating the feature films directed by Film Fatales members which are premiering at the Tribeca Festival including:
Bad Things directed by Stewart Thorndike
Boca Chica directed by Gabriella A Moses
Breaking The News directed by Heather Courtney, Chelsea Hernandez, and Princess A Hairston
Break the Game directed by Jane M Wagner
Embodied directed by Isabel Bethencourt
Every Body directed by Julie Cohen
Fresh Kills directed by Jennifer Esposito
It's Only Life After All directed by Alexandria Bombach
Lost Soulz directed by Katherine Propper
Mamba's Murals directed by Farah X
On Board directed by Deborah Riley Draper
One Yard directed by Smriti Keshari
Perpetrator directed by Jennifer Reeder
Playland directed by Georden West
Q directed by Jude Chehab
Richland directed by Irene Lusztig
The Perfect Find directed by Numa Perrier
The Space Race co-directed by Lisa Cortés